
The following list contains the detailed description of the most important features provided by SpecSync. Besides this list, you can consider checking the reference guide for the configuration file.

Push features

Pushing scenario changes to Test CasesConfiguring the format of the synchronized test casesSynchronizing Scenario OutlinesUpdate Test Case fieldsAttach files to Test Cases using tagsCustomization: Setting Test Case fields with default valuesCustomization: Update custom Test Case fields on pushCustomization: Ignoring marked Test Case stepsCustomization: Ignoring Test Case TagsCustomization: Mapping tagsCustomization: Synchronizing scenarios from feature branchesCustomization: Synchronize linked artifact titles

Pull features

Pulling Test Case changes to local scenarios

Common synchronization features

Linking Work Items using tagsExcluding scenarios from synchronizationhttps://github.com/specsolutions/specsync-jira-documentation/blob/main/features/synchronization-conflict-resolution.md

Test result publishing features

Publishing test result files

General features

Jira authentication optionsConfiguration fileHierarchical configuration filesLocal test case conditionsSpecSync plugins


The customizations below are also mentioned at the feature areas they are related to.

Customization: Setting Test Case fields with default valuesCustomization: Update custom Test Case fields on pushCustomization: Ignoring marked Test Case stepsCustomization: Ignoring Test Case TagsCustomization: Mapping tagsCustomization: Synchronizing scenarios from feature branchesCustomization: Synchronize linked artifact titlesCustomization: Do not synchronize title


Plugin list

Last updated