
Specifies Test Case hierarchies to construct from the synchronized Test Cases.

To read more about synchronizing Test Case hierarchies and further examples see the Synchronizing Test Case hierarchies page.

Synchronizing to multiple hierarchies or hierarchies with more than 20 nodes requires an Enterprise license.

The following example shows the most common options within this section.

  "hierarchies": [
      "name": "folder-hierarchy",
      "type": "folders"




The name of the hierarchy is an identifier that can be used to refer to the hierarchy for other features (e.g. for publishing test results to that hierarchy). The name has to be unique among the defined hierarchies and it is mandatory when multiple hierarchies are specified.



Specifies the type of the hierarchy. It has to be set to one of the available hierarchy types.



A local test case condition to specify which test cases should be included to this hierarchy.

all synchronized Test Cases is included


Specifies the root location in Jira, where the hierarchy should be mapped to. The root location specified here will be mapped to the root of the hierarchy.

For most of the hierarchy types it is mandatory.


By default SpecSync generates a warning if the hierarchy in Jira contains additional nodes (nodes that are not defined by the hierarchy). If such additional nodes are required, it is recommended to set this setting to true to avoid unnecessary warnings.



The _ character in the matched node names are automatically transformed to space by default. This behavior can be disabled by setting the disableUnderscoreTransformation hierarchy setting to true. This setting can be used for levels and tag hierarchy types.



For type folders, foldersAndFiles or foldersAndDocumentNames: A project-relative folder prefix to skip when constructing the hierarchy node path from the folder structure (e.g. src/Features).

the full project-relative path is used


For type levels: The level specifications. The items can contain settings: condition, name, conditionalName, onNotMatching, nameForNotMatching. See the levels type description for details.

mandatory for levels


For type tag: Specifies the tag prefix that specifies the hierarchy path (e.g. 'suite'). The configured tag prefix separators (by default ':') can be used with tags, e.g. @suite:Pricing/Automated. See the tag type description for details.

mandatory for tag


For type single: The single node of the hierarchy. It can contain settings: condition, name, path. See the single type description for details.

mandatory for single


For type custom: The nodes of the hierarchy. The items can contain settings: condition, name, path. See the custom type description for details.

mandatory for custom

Configuration reference

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