
This configuration section specifies how the fields of the Test Case that are not managed by SpecSync should be updated.

Read more about updating Test Case fields in the Update Test Case fields feature description.

For updating custom fields or non-default Test Case fields requires an Enterprise license. For a list of fields that can be updated with Free or Standard license, please check the Default Test Case fields list below.

The following example shows how this sub-section can be used to specify update different fields.

  "synchronization": {
    "fieldUpdates": {
      "field1": "value1",
      "field2": {
        "condition": "@tag1",
        "value": "value2",
        "removeMatchingTags": false
      "field2": {
        "conditionalValue": {
          "@tag1": "value3",
          "@tag2": "value4",
          "otherwise": "value5"
        "update": "onCreate"
      "field3": {
        "condition": "@mytag:*",
        "value": "{1}"


The fieldUpdates sub-section contains an object that is used as a dictionary of "key": <VALUE> pairs, where key is a field name or identifier and <VALUE> is the value to update to or an update value specifier. The update value specifier can be either a simple value (e.g. "value1") or a value value specifier object with different settings described below.

The values (either as simple value or inside the update value specifier) can contain placeholders (e.g. {scenario-description}) that is replaced by SpecSync with the related value. The list of all possible placeholders can be found in the section below.

The fields can be specified with either their name or their field identifier.

The fields that are read-only (e.g. Id) or managed by SpecSync (e.g. Tags) cannot be updated with this setting.

An update value specifier can contain the following settings.



Specifies the event that should trigger the update. The value always is the default and means that the field is always kept in sync with the local test case details. Possible values: always, onChange, onCreate, onCreateOrChange



A local test case condition of scenarios that should be that should be considered for the update (e.g. @inprogress, not @ready).

all scenarios considered


The value of the field. Can contain placeholders, like {scenario-name} or {1}. The latter inserts the tag name wildcard match from condition


A switch-like key-value pair of tag expressions to field values. A special key otherwise can be used as last to match all other cases.


Controls whether the tag(s) that matches to the condition in update=always field settings should be removed from the Test Case as tags.

true, unless the update is not always

Update placeholders



The name of the feature (specified in the feature file header). Synonym of {local-test-case-container-name}.


The description of the feature (the free-text block specified after the feature file header). Synonym of {local-test-case-container-description}.


The full feature file source text. Synonym of {local-test-case-container-source}.


The name of the rule that the scenario belongs to. Synonym of {local-test-case-rule-name}.


The name of the scenario or scenario outline. Synonym of {local-test-case-name}.


The description of the scenario or scenario outline. Synonym of {local-test-case-description}.


The full scenario source text.. Synonym of {local-test-case-source}.


The file name of the feature file (without folder). Synonym of {local-test-case-container-source-file-name}.


The folder of the feature file, relative to the project root. Synonym of {local-test-case-container-source-file-folder}.


The path (folder and file name) of the feature file, relative to the project root. Synonym of {local-test-case-container-source-file-path}.


The full URL of the remote project without tailing /. (From v3.4.4)


The full URL of the remote server (Azure DevOps Collection URL) without tailing /. (From v3.4.4)


The remote project name (not URL encoded). (From v3.4.4)


A new line.


The content of the environment variable specified (ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_NAME in this example)


Refers to the wildcard (*) match of the condition. In case there are multiple wildcards, the {1}, {2}, etc. placeholders can be used to refer to the matches

For synchronization of non-Gherkin file sources, you can also use the following placeholders. This placeholders are synonyms of the Gherkin-specific placeholders above. Not all synchronization source supports all fields.



The name of the local test case container (e.g. a class or a test file)


The description of the local test case container.


The full local test case container source text.


The name of the business rule the local test case is associated with.


The name of the local test case.


The description of the local test case.


The full local tets case source text.


The file name of the local test case container file (without folder).


The folder of the local test case container file, relative to the project root.


The path (folder and file name) of the local test case container, relative to the project root.

For the placeholders, different "value loaders" can be specified. Value loaders can transform the value. E.g. if the HTML loader is used in a field update as {scenario-description:HTML}, it will replace the white space and new line characters of the scenario description with the necessary HTML elements.

You can apply the value loaders for the entire value, not only for placeholders using the {{!HTML}}... prefix. This can be useful is the static text might also contain formatting to be handled. E.g. {{!MarkdownToHtml}}A *Markdown* feature description: {feature-description}.

The following value loaders are supported:

  • HTML - encodes HTML tags and transforms whitespaces to HTML newlines and non-breaking spaces.

  • HtmlEncode - encodes HTML tags.

  • Unix - replaces Windows-style path separators (\) with Unix-style ones (/)

  • Windows - replaces Unix-style path separators (/) with Windows-style ones (\)

  • MarkdownToHtml - converts Markdown text to HTML. The relevant Markdown extras from Markdig can be also used.

Default Test Case fields

The following Test Case fields can be updated with Free or Standard license. For updating other fields an Enterprise license is required.

  • Assigned To (System.AssignedTo)

  • State (System.State)

  • Reason (System.Reason)

  • Area Path (System.AreaPath)

  • Iteration Path (System.IterationPath)

  • Priority (Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority)

  • Discussion (System.History)

  • Description (System.Description)

  • Automated test storage (Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.AutomatedTestStorage)1

  • Automated test name (Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.AutomatedTestName)1

  • Automated test type (Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.AutomatedTestType)1

  • Automation status (Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.AutomationStatus)1

1: These fields can only be updated when the toolSettings/doNotSynchronizeAutomationUnlessEnabled configuration setting is set to true and the synchronization/automation/enabled configuration setting is set to false or leave it unset. These fields have to be updated together, so all of them has to be set. The field Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.AutomatedTestId is automatically set when the Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.AutomatedTestName field is updated. See more information at the section Update automation fields.


See further examples for using the fieldUpdates setting in the Update Test Case fields feature description.

synchronizationConfiguration reference

Last updated