
This configuration section contains synchronization settings.

The following example shows the available options within this section.

  "synchronization": {
    "disableLocalChanges": false,
    "testCaseTagPrefix": "tc",
    "pull": {
      "enabled": true,
      "enableCreatingScenariosForNewTestCases": false
    "automation": {
      "enabled": true,
      "condition": "not @manual"
    "state": {
      "setValueOnChangeTo": "Design"
    "areaPath": {
      "mode": "setOnLink",
      "value": "\\MyArea"
    "iterationPath": {
      "mode": "setOnLink",
      "value": "\\Iteration1"
    "links": [
        "targetWorkItemType": "ProductBacklogItem",
        "tagPrefix": "pbi",
        "relationship": "Child"
        "tagPrefix": "bug"
    "attachments": {
      "enabled": true,
      "tagPrefixes": [
      "baseFolder": "resources/files"
    "format": {
      "useExpectedResult": false,
      "emptyActionValue": "N/A"
      "emptyExpectedResultValue": "N/A"
      "syncDataTableAsText": false,
      "prefixBackgroundSteps": true,
      "prefixTitle": true,
      "showParameterListStep": "whenUnusedParameters"


For sub-section settings, click on the name of the setting for details.



Disables changing feature files in the local repository. If set to true (called build server mode), only those changes will be performed that do not need any change in the local feature files. Linking new scenarios or pulling changes from test cases will be skipped. Can be overridden by the --disableLocalChanges command line option. See Synchronizing test cases from build for details.



The tag prefix for specifying the test cases. E.g. specify testcase for referring to test cases using a tag, like @testcase:1234.



Specifies one or more tag prefix separators to recognize in order to be able to support links like @story=42. For creating tags, the first separator is used.

[":"] (only : can be used as separator)


Specifies the link label separator in order to be able to support links like @story:42,this_is_the_title.


Settings to configure the push behavior. See Pushing scenario changes to Test Cases

Settings to configure the pull behavior. See Two-way synchronization for details

Settings to configure synchronizing automated test cases. See Synchronizing automated test cases for details.

Settings to configure how the test case state field should be updated.

Settings to configure how the test case area path field should be updated. See Add new test cases to an Area or an Iteration for details.

Settings to configure how the test case iteration path field should be updated. See Add new test cases to an Area or an Iteration for details.

Settings to configure how test case links should be updated based on the tags of the scenario. See Linking work items using tags for details.

Settings to allow attaching files to Test Cases during synchronization using tags. See Attach files to Test Cases using tags for details.

Settings to configure the format of the synchronized test case. See Configuring the format of the synchronized test cases for details.

Specifies how the fields of the Test Case that are not managed by SpecSync should be updated. It can contain update rules in "key": <VALUE> format, where key is a field name or identifier and <VALUE> is the value to update to or an update specifier. See Update Test Case fields for details.

Configuration reference

Last updated