
This configuration section contains settings to configure synchronizing automated test cases.

Read more about synchronizing automated test cases in the Synchronizing automated test cases concept description.

The following example shows the available options within this sub-section.

  "synchronization": {
    "automation": {
      "enabled": true,
      "condition": "not @manual",
      "testExecutionStrategy": "assemblyBasedExecution",
      "automatedTestType": "BDD tests"

After changing the condition setting of the automation configuration, you need to perform the push command with an additional --force setting otherwise the existing Test Cases will not be updated until the next change of their scenario. Using the --force setting is only required once.




Specifies whether SpecSync should attempt to create automated test cases.



A local test case condition of scenarios that should be included in automation (e.g. not @manual or @automated).

Before v3.2 this setting had to be specified as skipForTags where the excluded scenarios had to be specified.

After changing this setting, you need to use the --force option once to update existing Test Cases. See note above.

all scenarios included


Specifies the value to be used in the Automated test type field of the Test Case.

uses a strategy-dependent default value


Specifies the test execution strategy for the automated test cases. The assemblyBasedExecution strategy can be used to document that the tests are executed by running them from .NET assemblies. The custom strategy can be used for non .NET projects.

The options testSuiteBasedExecution and testSuiteBasedExecutionWithScenarioOutlineWrappers should only be used for suite based execution. See Support for Azure DevOps Test Plan / Test Suite based test execution for details.


synchronizationConfiguration reference

Last updated