Synchronization conflict resolution

The push and pull commands can be used to synchronize the local test cases (e.g. scenarios in a feature file) to Azure DevOps or from Azure DevOps respectively. For the most of the time this can be done without problems, because either the local test case or the remote Test Case was modified or they have only been changed in a detail that does not effect the synchronization. In some cases though a conflict can occur. This page summarizes the options to handle such conflicts.

It is recommended to agree on a process about changing the tests with the team. Following a clear guideline on when to change the local test case and when the remote Azure DevOps Test Case is easier than to resolve change conflicts.

The conflict resolution method can be selected and configured separately for push and pull and by default they are set to defaults that are appropriate for the most of the usages (forceOverride for push and interactive for pull).

The chosen conflict resolution method can be configured using the /synchronization/push/conflictResolution and /synchronization/pull/conflictResolution settings.

The following table contains the usable conflict resolution methods.

With the --force command line option, the changes can be overridden independently of the configured method. To apply a forced override for a single test, the --force option can be used together with the --filter option, e.g. --force --filter "@tc:1234".

Choosing for the error method can be also used to get notified about conflicting changes on the server.

Last updated