
Publishes local test results to Azure DevOps server as a Test Run, where the results are connected to the synchronized test cases and optionally to a build.

See more details about the command in the "Assembly based execution strategy" section of the Synchronizing automated test cases article.


In addition the the options listed here, all common command line options can also be used.



A local test case condition of scenarios that should be considered for test result publishing (e.g. @current_sprint and @done). See Filters and scopes for details.

not filtered by tags


An expression of source file glob patterns that should be considered for test result publishing (e.g. Folder1/**/*.feature). See Filters and scopes for details.

not filtered by feature files

-r|--testResultFile <FILE‑PATH>

The file path of the test result (.trx, .xml or .json) file to publish or a folder that contains multiple test result files. Multiple paths can be listed, separated by semicolon (;).

use from config file

-f|--testResultFileFormat <FORMAT>

The file format of the file to publish. Please check the Compatibility page for supported formats. Invoking the command with ? as format will list all supported format as well.

use from config file or detect automatically

--runName <NAME>

The name of the Test Run to be created. The value can contain placeholders.

get from test result file

--attachedFiles <FILE‑LIST>

Semicolon separated list of file paths that should be attached to the test run additionally. (e.g. error1.png;error2.log) Wildcards are currently not supported.

only test result file attached

-c|--testConfiguration <CONFIGURATION>

The Azure DevOps Test Configuration name or ID to publish the results for. For specifying an ID, use #1234 format.

use from config file or detect automatically

--testSuite <SUITE‑NAME‑OR‑ID>

A Test Suite name or ID to publish the test results to. For specifying an ID, use #1234 format. (e.g. My Suite or #1234)

use from config file

--testPlanId <PLAN‑ID>

The ID of the Test Plan to search the Test Suite in. (e.g. 123)

all Test Plans are scanned through

--runComment <RUN‑COMMENT>

The comment field of the Test Run to be created. The value can contain placeholders.

not specified

--testResultComment <RESULT‑COMMENT>

The comment added to the individual test results within the created test run. Useful if the individual test results are typically browsed not through the Test Run. The value can contain placeholders.

not specified

--buildId <BUILD‑ID>

The build ID (e.g. 345) of the build the test result was created for. To prevent detecting build from build you can specify the --disablePipelineAssociation option (or set the --buildId option to an empty value before v3.3.3).

detect from current build

--buildNumber <BUILD‑NUMBER>

The build number (e.g. 20200119.1) of the build the test result was created for. Should be specified when build ID is not known.

build ID is used

--buildFlavor <FLAVOR>

The build flavor (e.g. Debug) of the build the test result was created for. Can only be specified if either --buildNumber or --buildId is specified.

detect from current build

--buildPlatform <PLATFORM>

The build platform (e.g. x86) of the build the test result was created for. Can only be specified if either --buildNumber or --buildId is specified.

detect from current build


If specified, the published test results will not be associated to the build or release pipeline. This is useful if the Azure DevOps project of the build is different to the project of the Test Cases. See Troubleshooting entry for details.

pipelines are associated


Publishes a test result file result.trx to Azure DevOps:

dotnet specsync publish-test-results --testResultFile result.trx

Publishes a test result file produced by Cucumber Java JUnit execution:

dotnet specsync publish-test-results --testResultFile cucumber-result.xml --testResultFileFormat CucumberJavaJUnitXml

Publishes a test result file result.trx to Azure DevOps to the configured Test Suite for the Test Configuration Windows 10:

dotnet specsync publish-test-results --testResultFile result.trx --testConfiguration "Windows 10"

Publishes test results to a specific Test Suite, where the Test Cases related to the executed scenarios are included. Test Plan ID is also specified for better performance.

dotnet specsync publish-test-results --testPlanId 345 --testSuite "Ordering Tests" --testResultFile result.trx --testConfiguration "Windows 10"
Command line referencepublishTestResults

Last updated